The Truth About 7/10 Game Reviews | Asmongold Reacts

by @charalanahzard
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  1. The problem with the idea of reviews as a way of informing customer decisions is reviewers by the nature of their job play far more games than customers do and under different conditions, there is a vast difference between playing something for fun in your free time and it's one of the six new games you bought this year and playing something for work and it's the eleventh one you've played this month,

    things that normal audiences are perfectly ok with become a ridiculous lack of effort when it's the fifteenth time you've seen that story beat or mechanic this month, the problem with reviewing games for a living is that by doing it you become someone that normal gamers can't relate to

    Games having no easy mode isn't an issue for most gamers as they simply won't buy those games but if you have to play it for a review and you have a deadline then suddenly the way the game is designed is making the thing you do for money harder, same with dungeon and raid finder, if your on a deadline then finding a group and getting to the place isn't a fun game it's making your job harder and even if you try to mentally take that into account, simply by having to do so you are separated from the base emotional reaction of a normal player

  2. The only purpose game reviews from "Journalists" serve is to show how detached the people writing them are from the average consumer.

  3. Another problem is game journalists don't think they're "just some guy". They think they are THE guy. So when no one reads their incompetent reviews and the ones who do just point and laugh, they become resentful, double down and take an adversarial stance against gamers, which in turn skews their reviews even more.

  4. No offense but she is pretty biased and will still defend ign regardless. She even still works with them while she works with Sony.

    I’ve stopped watching her and Destin realizing they are still 2 faced!

  5. The logic behind this is so hard to understand for me. If you need half an hour to justify the concept that doesnt make sense, then maybe its the wrong concept.
    They reserve 1-4 for games they don't even review, they hardly ever give any fives, and a 10 almost never happens, so their scale is effectively a 5-9, which really translates to 1-5 again. This means every seven is basically a 2, compared to all the other games that they bother to review. (which suddenly starts making sense again when you look at concord which is really a 1 or 2, but stops making sense when you compare concord to all the other 7s). But also, the most condescending and self righteous part of it all is, each and every single game that IGN decides NOT to cover is automatically a 1-5 to them, going by that logic.
    So they either need to fucking start actually reviewing and scoring the 1-5 bracket, like journalists did back in the day when their integrity was still intact.
    Or they just start disregarding the games they don't review anyway, and start giving games like concord and star wars the 1s and 2s they deserve.

  6. Damn, I'll go back to Diablo 4 eventually based on Asmon, I am not an experienced arpg player but the item ui and lack of more storage was annoying. Then I heard you don't get the horse till the last act or act 4 (if there is a 5?)

  7. She's lying, and I'll tell you for why-
    why is it relevant to her that the Doom reviewer was a freelancer? The implication is that his degree of authority is altered by that status. How argument hinges on the "just some guy" idea, but she literally outright contradicts it in this video because she does not actually believe it.

  8. I can understand how she's trying to explain 1-5 vs 6-10 but I agree with Asmon in the sense that, if you're not actively reviewing those 1-5 games, then you need to change your scale. Personally, I think you can create a proper 1-10 scale by creating a standard of categories to measure any game against & that score gets converted into a number between 1-10. You could even have a weighted modifier that takes into account the price of the game too. Now I'm itching to get on excel to start creating the formulas 😂

  9. I disagree with her justification of the 7/10 AAA compared to shovel ware because the games that barely work for tens of thousands of people on release like Cyberpunk still get stellar reviews and they completely remove those scores from any and all technical issues.

  10. Rating system is not working anymore. Might work if you compare similary working games and it should change over time.(ranking where you have upper S and lower S. And updating the rank as you add more games to compare) We need new rating system where you summerize pros and cons and point out who is the game made for and even do a backround check for studio / live service trustability.

  11. Game reviewers play the games as their Job, which takes some of the "Game" elements out of it, and makes it a more work focused things, even if they do still have fun. It's not THE determining factor, but it is a factor for sure.

  12. All of her point could be summed up to: "I was an IGN journalist and this is me apologizing for the industry problem while disguising it as a criticism but it's not really a criticism."

    She is doing the exact same thing as giving a 7/10 review. She doesn't want to offend anyone but all her points are just defenses for IGN. Could've actually said something useful as someone who was in the industry and worked for the company but I guess she's just some guy too.

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