From amateur to pro: Upgrading my indie game trailer

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I get help editing the game trailer of Feed the Deep from world class game trailer editor, Derek Lieu. Check out Derek’s great channel here:

#gamedev #development #devlog #indiegame #video #trailer #editing


  1. I like your narration as it allows the game to be explained in more detail in this short trailer.
    Since we can upload more than one trailer on Steam, I've been toying with the idea of having a short and snappy 30 second trailer as the first one, and a much longer second trailer that's more or less a Let's Play video with my commentary; the idea being some users prefer watching people play the game in order to make a purchasing decision. No idea if anyone has tried it already.

  2. So informative! Both this video and the final trailer. Well done, smart move to seek help!

  3. I think game trailers should tell like, a mini story, showcasing what is in store for people when they play the game and also leave some mysteries for the players to unravel themselves

  4. Genuinely an awesome video, good insights and feedback. Really fitting as that’s what I’m currently working on for my game, congrats on the launch of Feed the Deep btw!

  5. It's incredible seeing all those tips being applied and I think it really payed off. The trailer seems to sum up what the game is like beautifully and in short time.

  6. Great work, sir. Commenting for the algorithm 😁. 1:28 btw, he designed fruit ninja and jetpack joyride 🤭😆

  7. That's amazing man! You really took his points to heart and crafted an amazing final product. I think it's the mark of true skill when someone can take constructive feedback and actually grow from it, and here you demonstrate an absolute masterclass. It gave me chills watching the final edit because the clarity of your messaging, pacing of the cuts, and audio-visual pairing choices were incredibly well done!

  8. Thanks for sharing, Luke! I'm curious, what made you decide you needed a new trailer? Was it mainly store page performance/ conversion rate not being where you wanted it to be?

  9. Holy shit that's an amazing improvement. What a masterclass crammed into a few minutes.

  10. 6:00
    Yes! This is something that really annoys me about YouTube videos. They will say something but their footage will either be unrelated or, if it is really bad, completely contradict what they are saying.

  11. 5:22
    To quote David Fincher: "They know you can do anything, so the question is: What don't you do, not what do you do.

  12. it's a huge improvement indeed, I think the biggest improvement is showing the big monster eyes very early as a hook to keep people engaged to watch the rest

  13. New trailer is 20x better, but you still have a big problem, and it’s the same problem you’ve always had. You just haven’t shown me why this game is FUN. I get what you DO in the game (more or less) but why is doing that something I want to do? This is where I think you’re struggling in terms of communication. Like, I don’t even know if the fun of the game derives from puzzle solving, skill mechanics, story or exploration.

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