The Forever Winter – Royal Court Reviews

Another day another game comes to be judged thusly by the Royal Court. The Forever Winter is an extraction looter shooter based in a post-apocalyptic future of war and strife with online co-op capabilities. So is this game worth our time and precious coin? Let’s find out together!



  1. Short answer, no, its not worth it.

    Gunplay is utterly trash, stealth just does not work, and the water system turns the game into a job you are actively punished for not playing. to say nothing of the massive amount of glitches/bugs atm.

    Its rough even for early access.

    The thematic tone of the game is spot on, everything else is trash.

  2. They were hyping this game with ideas and concepts to lure people in but deliver it in such unplayable state even in early access is not acceptable. Hope this is not another EA scam.

  3. See I love this game in terms of concept and setting but I am glad I didn't buy it just yet, excited to buy once they figure out and fix all the things holding it back

  4. The maps could be a bit bigger in my opinion with more options on traversal, they captured the hopless feel of a war like this perfectlynin my opinion. Would be cool to add launchers (law, rpg7, at4) to deal with the big boys eventually.

  5. So far I dont appreciate this game having enemies just SPAWN around if you start shooting. I get that you shouldn't really getting into fights, but just dont gave uber dangerous magically appearing close by.

  6. Im holding off on buyimg the game in early access rn since theyve been saying the Water Mechanic is a horribly placed FOMO system. Sounds unfun

  7. Why does every game with a promising premise have to be released in a completely broken state? Wtf are you thinking publishers? Do you hate making money?

  8. I actually agreed with most of the criticisms, except those about the graphics/color, because they match the tone perfectly (unless it was a red light bug you were referring to).
    However, I just don't see the appeal for an extraction shooter with no PvP, especially since there is no campaign or engaging game play loop.
    The war voyeurism, cool atmosphere and "stealth" mechanics just arent engaging enough to justify buying and playing it instead of Tarkov, Dark and Darker, Helldivers 2 or Darktide.
    Even as it is now, if you removed co-op matchmaking and instead dropped those 4 players in different locations, the game would be much more exciting because you don't know if or when you will bump into another scav. When you do anything could happen. VOIP also required. Endless entertainment, especially in this amazing sandbox with all the AI armies, cyborgs and creepy unknowns.

  9. Wow complaining about $30 for a very interesting game in Early Access offering more than what the entire industry typically offer for $70-$100. Can't take this serious at all

  10. yeah i didn't have even have most these bugs, the UI thing seems like a skill issue, but the terain problems are a little silly but you can jump over them pretty easily, the only real issue is if your being chased, and the multiplayer worked fine for me.

  11. 100% agreed it's released too early. It's total BS you need community feedback to know how broken things are, it's obvious. Execute on your basic vision, get it stable, then start looking for feedback. Does 1000 people telling them they're getting stuck on invisible objects make it get fixed faster?
    After watching the dev interview i think this is purely about $ after they didn't accept the funding question directly or clearly.

  12. need to keep playing to keep base alive mechanic? well this gonna be off my list then.

  13. Regarding 8:00. There is actually a threat system in the game where the units may not immediately engage you if they don't see you as a threat. It can be things like the weapons or items you are carrying, or if you approach or follow them. The game really needs a tutorial or something to explain stuff.

  14. i enjoyed the review, idk why other comments are defending and crying about it being early access therefore it gets a pass for being bad at launch. Game was overhyped by that one dude making vids and it already has mixed reviews on steam. Good PC or not game just doesn't looked optimized. Just another mid game with potential that wont be tackled until after they make a good chunk of change off selling the dream.

  15. Terrible review, it’s early access.. first few hours, it’s a work in progress but going on about how you think the ui is ugly and how you want it to be more colorful is silly. Finally something new and fresh, I hope a bunch of chads don’t complain until it dies or turns into cod.

  16. Although all opinions are appreciated, i'm pretty sure that the game was rushed into a " playable " because the community kept asking for it to release, although not an excuse for it to be in this state, this is a bit of a harsh review but a valid one nonetheless, at least i won't jump blindly into the game

  17. I've not encountered any of the issues that you've encountered tbh, and I'm sorry for that. I've put 8 hours into the game and prefer playing solo, even though i was able to do co-op too. EFT was MUCH worse than this in the beginning, and I'm so grateful that they added a compass and extraction markers on the map. Every looter-shooter that I've played has that pseudo-sandbox feel where you have to go out and find what you're looking for. I hate to hear that people are suffering from issues like yours, but this honestly just felt like a rant/bashing on the game.

  18. The reason y it came out early access, despite the game clearly needs more baking in the oven, its cause the players wanted the game to come out and begged for it, despite the state. Pretty much we got what we deserve. Still, the game is still surprisingly still there

  19. So basically on the negatives, majority of it has gone down to one of three things 1. Your pc is shit or your playing on settings too high for it. 2. You’re expecting to be bottle fed all the information on a game designed to be brutal. 3. Your situational awareness
    / complex problem solving skills suck

  20. I knew this game would be disappointing on launch, been around the block enough times to not even consider the hype

  21. I think it's cool that you were truly honest and open about how you felt
    I know this will help the devs immensely and if they do fix the problems, I hope you can make like a before/after video!

    And honestly, dont pay much attention to the people who criticize you, you have every right to your opinions and no one can take them from you.

    Really liked your video! I am planning on getting this game and your video is very informative and well formulated! Keep it up!

  22. I think it should’ve costed $15 bucks max. $30 dollars for a alpha is steep, early access should be for games that are 70%-75% complete like it used to be. Now, early access is for 10%-25% completed game with the promise of it being finished 3-4 years from now 🤦‍♂️. I think people are just burned out on the “it has potential” and “give it a couple years and it will be good” phrases, especially when they’re being charged $30-$40 bucks.

  23. You didnt read the announcements did you? There is no server or match making yet. You have to invite a frie d sjnce its P2P connection only for now.

  24. Didn't this game just drop today? seems a little early for a review
    that said, it 100% needs more time to cook

  25. My experience was similar but not the same. The graphics initially didnt load, the framerate is worse in the small innards base than the maps. Guns feel unnecessarily weighty, too. This isn't warhammer. The recoil is ridiculous and the hand sway at low health makes it practically impossible to aim at anything (it just needs slightly less sway). After firefights, troops dont move on. They just stand there for no reason. Water is ridiculously hard to find, depending on RNG, in my 8 or so raids, I haven't found any. It's a stealth focused game with very few stealth options. It's a shooter game sometimes, but with very few ways to fight. I hope after some updates this game gets better, because its fun when it works.

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