MORE of the Best NEW VR GAMES Coming Soon! // Quest 3, PC VR, PSVR2

The next few months are looking HUGE for NEW VR games and today we’re looking at another 10 of the best VR games dropping over the next 4 months & beyond for Quest, PC VR and PSVR2. Whether you want horror, action, puzzles or rhythm games the last few months of 2024 are packed with new VR goodness to keep you entertained, from Alien Rogue Incursion to Behemoth (which both have release dates now) or Vendetta Forever to Trombone Champ there should be something for everyone in VR no matter which headset you use. When you add these 10 upcoming VR games to the 10 in my previous video we have 20 new VR games across all platforms coming very soon… VR is definitely not dead! Let me know in the comments if there is a game I’ve missed that you are excited for, what’s your most anticipated new PSVR 2 game? Or most sought after new Quest 3 game? Let me know down below.

What new VR game has you most excited? Are you hyped to slay giant creatures in Behemoth? Ready to slice and dice your way…


  1. Here's how I see things.

    Aliens in first person is great, because the main attraction is the alien.

    Batman in first person is a waste of time. The main attraction has become a pair of hands.

    Would have been better off just providing native hmd support for existing arkham games and keep it 3rd person.

    There is zero chance that a pair of hands is going to look as cool as seeing batman fully animated in 3rd person

  2. Now beardo, im not gonna single just you out because every other content creator has pretty much done the same thing…but silent north is a damn DayZ clone and nobody seems to know that, lol…while i understand dayz is kind of a niche game with a cult following, its been around on pc an console for years, and people should really know thats what silent north is, lol…a hardcore pvpve survival game with crafting and lots of meter management…dayz makes green hell look like childs play as far as survival goes, and is very mil-sim like in its weaponry and combat, throw in zombies and scavenging for materials and loot, and there you have dayz, and hopefully silent north really does it justice in trying to bring that into vr…

  3. Not releasing the hitman vr in pc or actually fixing the current one is a crime and an insult to vr gamers.

  4. I think vendetta forever is from an app lab game called bang bang slice. It has the exact same levels ur showing here. Maybe they finished it on app lab and rebranded it

  5. Thanks man.. its sad.. well VR is not doing so good.. I love it.. keep it up..

  6. For me there are only two entries in this list I'm interested in; the first being Alien Rogue Incursion and the second the Arizona Sunshine remake. I would think I'd like something new by Combat Waffle but I tend to only like games with visuals that are more realistic and their new game looks too cartoony for my liking.

  7. Silent North is based on Dayz not 7 days to die although I'm sure they're similar but idk I never played 7D2D

  8. Do you know when that VR title is out, the one that looks like John Wick made in the Alyx engine?

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