Sea of Thieves as a NEW Player in 2024 is… Insane

Title: Sea of Thieves as a NEW Player in 2024 is… Insane

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I played Sea of Thieves as a NEW Player in 2024

Nickname: Dittoz
Known as: Dittoz, Dittozkul, Valorant Curios & more
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  1. You know for your first reaper encounter you took it better than me I emedietly went for revenge and sank moments in to round 2 I was way out of my depth back then.

  2. I don’t personally think it’s worth playing in 2024 with the amount of cheaters and single brain celled players cussing and attacking you for no reason. Kind of pathetic state the game is in currently, maybe the worst it’s been until next update.

  3. This is me right now. I’m so damn lost and confused but I’m intrigued enough to wanna try to keep playing but also just….so lost lol.

  4. Great video and storytelling. I enjoyed watching the whole video. It's fun to see what kind of things attract new players, where their attention is drawn to.

  5. First day playing yesterday. I stumbled upon a a GORGEOUS planetarium underneath an island tower, and I solved the puzzle…and was swarmed by dozens of skeletons. Somehow I won and found a ton of hidden gold and an orb worth TWENTYTHOUSAND. What a rush.

  6. I just started last week but you can store stuff in the statue???? Everytime the same thing that happened to you, happened to me i lost everything as there was no option to store the treasure in the statue. It said something along the lines of "teleport back to ship (you will lose your treasure)"

  7. Kinda shit that rare haven’t made a good tutorial at all, ‘the new player’ experience hasn’t changed since I started in 2018

  8. As a new player in 2024 I learned the game quickly , but I do wish they had a solo mode where you can play online with others but only solo crews . Kinda like Fortnite where they have solo ques. I don’t have any friends or family that play so it kinda sucks , of course you can play with randoms but that’s not always fun or work or for me

  9. Been playing since some time in season 5. It was pretty funny watching you do the things that pretty much all new players do, like going for the parrot cosmetics. New players don't know how easy they have it when collecting loot with the harpoon.
    Back in my day, you needed one guy on harpoon, and one guy ready to pull loot off to quickly load loot. If you were a solo and sunk someone with a lot of loot, you were guaranteed to lose some to sinking. No sovereigns either, so it was how you experienced selling without a captained ship all the time. Alright, I'm done with my old man Sea of Thieves rant now lmao.

  10. I wish I could re-experience this game as a new player with everything that is in it currently. The older version of the game is home for me, I started playing in 2020. Just the basics of the game is what I miss the most, not the new tall tales, the shrines, and all that. Just the random events, you, the seas, and possibly someone stalking you as you loot a vault.

  11. In your PvP chapter rule one Never anchor, pull up sails you always want to be ready to go, they didn't send your ship at sea they sunk it and you respawn where your ship is spawned. You'll learn never to trust anyone even if they seem friendly, remember it's a pirate game trust is earned not given. The instant you do they can have a crew member boarding you and killing you as you talk to the other player. If you do anchor raise sails and anchor up immediately. Also adjust your sails to the wind you can tell by the wind streams where the winds going that's why your never fast enough the sloop in wind is the fastest ship in the game and can out maneuver about any ship especially if your going in between rocks. Look for SoT streamer called HitBotC or even Krotuk if you see Kro tell him I sent ya you can crew up and learn the ropes so you'll have a less stressful time lol Kro use to have server takeovers for his followers back in the day I think rare gives private servers now to streamers this is a game that is most enjoyable with friends it's fun even solo also reason you exploded was the red powder keg 😂 keep that either off ship even though it's worth a good chunk or keep it below deck in-between barrels not exposed especially to a storm lighting as you can see can strike it and blow up you with your ship.

  12. Me and my friends want to buy it but im scared everyone will be like a level 200 mafia boss with 50 million power on rise of kingdoms

  13. What loser has time for all this. Ghis is why people have money problems they are too worried about finding and loading/unloading virtual treasure than trying to make it out here

  14. If you're thinking about playing this game, make sure you know somebody who is good at this, if you're just a casual, mediocre gamer, and you're trying to get on here and have some fun, this is not going to be for you

  15. yeah that's the most average random player😭 no text,no mic,it's
    like they have a disease💀

  16. Usually for me, it was chill but until I go against someone else it’s usually a sloop and they run away from so I’ll battle them for a hour or 2 😅

  17. Idk if u did that (only at minute 2) but did u played the tutorial? Idk if they explained the mission accepting thing. Did they, or didnt they?

  18. What fuckin version are you playing? I've never had bailouts from mermaids and shortcuts from puzzles.

  19. This game is dumb. I loot 3 fortresses and on the way to an outpost and the Ai boat takes me down. 3 times in a row this happened. 6 hours wasted and nothing gained.

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