New Battlefield game was just revealed…

Battlefield has just revealed a new game set in modern day with classes, 64 players, bf3 bf4 inspiration and more, Let’s discuss. Leave a LIKE and a comment, thanks for watching. IGN article –


  1. They need to make another old battlefield bf1 and 5 were some of the greatest times I’ve ever had, everything was perfect with bf1

  2. I don’t know why Jack or anyone else should be excited about this. They already confirmed it’s a live service and they lost the benefit of the doubt.

    They can try to sweet talk us with BF3/4 talk but the game scene today is nothing like it was during the peak. If it came down to player experience or money, EA will take money every time and leave us hanging. I haven’t been ambitious about a BF game since BF1. Hopefully this is different but I’m not optimistic.

  3. Just give us bad company 3!!! And bring back the totally
    Destructible environments !!! NOT “levelution” or whatever it was called

  4. Please fix it because I just want battlefield friends to make new vids on it 😂

  5. I’m mostly curious about the HUD. If you want to create a serious, immersive, competitive yet fun shooter, you can’t have things like health bars, excessive minimaps, objective markers and all that kind of unnecessary information. It makes the player lazy and uninterested. In real life, no one is wearing smartglasses all the time, and yet we figure out where to go.
    This is very important in every game, but especially a game like battlefield. At the very least, it should have some kind of hardcore mode.

  6. Just a comined remake of BF3 and BF4 would be amazing. Take aspects from each game which were good and go on from there.

  7. Let’s not over hype this 2042 has natural disasters so I don’t know why they mention that

  8. How have they not realised yet, all they need to do is graphically refresh BFBC, 3 or 4 and swim in the money theyll make.

  9. No classes = No but

    Don’t give me that year after launch “class integration” nonsense.

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