Crossout – Next Step Update Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games

Post-apocalyptic vehicular combat online game Crossout just got the “Next step” update new robotic legs and other parts that will allow you to build your own Battle walker! The update also features various new brawls, new map and balance changes.

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  1. Really fun when it came out in 2017. logged in on steam a few years ago 2021/22, not 1 other player online after a few days.

  2. cool i cant wait to get back into it spend a couple hours angry annoyed and unsatisfied that i got none of this

  3. If I'm a game dev, I make a straight up Titanfall clone and watch the dump trucks of money roll in…

  4. Remember when sony was working on a twisted metal battle royale then cancelled it and TLOU factiona for concord?

  5. From my experience, the game was fun but just a bit predatory in terms of microtransaction price, but maybe thats gotten better over time.

  6. Playstation roadmap exclusive sop begins or please. Thanks annoying playstation studio's & SONY'S & updates too lets go.

  7. I think Mecha break spoiled me. After playing Mecha break beta I can't look at any other mecha game like I used to…All of them feels low budget and unpolished.

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