Dreamworks DOG MAN Official Trailer Review | FlickBro

#flickbro #dogman #dreamworks #animation

Dreamworks new animated movies, dreamworks Dog Man trailer review, Dreamworks Dog Man official trailer, dog man official trailer


  1. Please show me in the second movie little PD is going to be there show us the big robot

  2. Flippy is 100% gonna be the main antagonist. Look at Chief's pinboard, covered in "dogman unleashed" stuff, all tied to flippy, and flippy's also dead on chief's desk (a tale of two kitties). The description says petey and dogman have to save lil' shitty (sorry, lil' petey) from a common enemy, and flippy fits the description. I know grampa's gonna be in the film, but still… he seems more like the "looming evil" rather than the "cut to the chase" evil that flippy is.

    Aaand, here I am, writing theories about a kids book. Atleast its one i still read, ig. (but seriously, lil' petey is a shite)

  3. Unlike W.B, making the minecraft movie, this is actually gonna do good like the bad guys movie.

  4. I love dog man soooooo much and i cant wait to see the movie! I know at some point tho people might say there are flaws and stuff but idc i been waiting forever! 😀

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