1. You also don't own the game when you buy digital so i doubt an $80 game is worth the 1-3 seconds of freed loading time

  2. Ive never owned any nitendo device, never had the money xD does it really take that long to load? Why tho?

  3. Depends on self card but also physical can be picked up for a lot cheaper in some stores that are second hand

  4. I assumed physical would take longer due to the fact that it has to read the card first then start loading the game

  5. Docked runs the game at 1080p while handheld runs the game at 720p the lower resolution will run faster.

  6. Might win but when the online service shutsdown how are ya gonna REDOWNLOAD you're digital game??? HMMMMMM!!!!!??????

  7. 720p (handheld) always loads faster than 1080p (TV) regardless if the game is physical or digital.

  8. I can sell my physical games when I’m done. Nintendo game holds their value very well compared to other consoles. I got $30 for a Kirby game and $30 for Mario all stars. This is probably the biggest pro to having physical games.

  9. I iwsh, my Oled switch has a 512gb sd card and its so incredibly slow. Like a ridiculous amount. Loading CTR for example. It takes longer to load a track then the track itself. It wasnt like it when i first got the card, but over time its gone to heck.

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