Helldivers 2 – Update Overview, Reviews & Player Numbers Skyrocket!

Helldivers 2 had its biggest update ever yesterday! Today we go over our thoughts on the update and go over what the community thinks about the update. Let us know what you think about the update down in the comment section!

Check out our patch note video here:

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═════════ Timestamps ════════
0:00 Intro
0:22 Community Feedback for Patch
4:02 Our Review
6:16 Game Is Still A Challenge
9:37 The Helldivers Community
11:22 Moving Forward From the Patch
12:55 Outro
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  1. Whoever is complaining about the buff are not happy with anything in life.

  2. I love it but the assualt rifles need more ammo in the clip. Sub machine guns too

  3. i usually play Suicide or Impossible difficulty — it's currently just right — considering the buffs, still not too easy, challenging but fun!
    love this new update!

  4. This is so positive im gonna redownload the game and give it chance but my biggest problem was the team killing so i will see what happens over the weekend

  5. I play often on difficulty 7 and was diving yesterday to try out the buffs, I even started changing my weapons more often rather than sticking with just one setup per faction. Whilst finishing up a mission the people I was diving with turned around and said it was too easy, seconds after saying that three Chargers appeared and started dropping us. Dude jinxed us as we also got swarmed at evac

  6. I like to play Helldive and Super Helldive as a solo player and I’ve found my character to be a lot more squishy which is weird. I haven’t played for a while so it might be a skill issue as I need to get good again but it was an interesting feeling.

  7. I just got into the game a week ago, I hated that it was only PC and PS….but ended up buying a decent rig anyway

    I noticed there is a level of hatred from Xbox mains that can’t even play the game, they want to see it fail especially on Reddit.

  8. Have you considered that it's because of the official nerfing of the weapons that we're now back to a fairly normal state?

  9. Its amazing again!! Its not crazy frustrating and i get that chaotic experience where we're all accidentaly killing each other! Im trying weapons that i only used once before bacause theyre so much better now and actually viable.

  10. Hey, swanyy. A very random question, but how have you assigned your crouch/prone/dive button on controller? I really need advice on this.

  11. I’m glad yall stuck it out like some of us do for this game. It really does have potential and hope for the players to come back and developers work with us to keeping this game going strong!

  12. There's still some things I'd hope get a nice touch up, but I have had ALOT of fun. I had zero trust and good will to the devs…and they actually showed up and proved me wrong.

  13. As an RR guy, I have been extremely surprised and kinda astonished simply by how much I HAVEN'T needed to fire it. Anything that I used to need it for is already being gunned down by my teammates simply because everyone has something to use against them now. Everyone is eager to fight chargers. Nobody is running around them waiting for strat cooldowns. It's really refreshing.

  14. Ive ben playing consistently through every nerf we got and let me tell you that July Nerf really upset me and many of my friends and a couple just didnt want to play period but a few of us stuck it out and still managed to have fun through it all. But this update made us cheer and have an absolute blast. I started using the Thermite grenade which i Haven't done since its initial release because i found it bad. But now it's working as originally advertised and kills chargers and then some. Bot only that Flame weapons are back and man did it feel exactly like pre nerf and then some. All i wish is that these buffs stay because the game feels like it should and now they just need to work on new mission types and the Illuminate. Because heres the thing many people left because of a lack of new content not necessarily the nerfs so Arrowhead still has their work cut out for them. But this update is a step in the right direction and i am here for them and SYPER EARTH!

  15. Just played level 7 and 8 difficulties for the first time today and man It felt so challenging but in a fun way

  16. "The game felt like it was completely dead."
    This video only has 20k while I'm sure past videos have more, this channel must be pretty dead.
    Space Marines 2 must also be dead too by this logic.

  17. Thinking of buying this game now . I was going to buy it for pc a while ago but the whole “nerfdivers” thing was trending so I held off but it’s on sale on steam rn so I’m thinking of buying.

  18. 6:38 bugs are definitely more aggressive. Even the little bugs will take away 1/4 or 1/2 of your health with one swipe.

  19. Only gripe I have is the body damage. It feels like any time I get hit with anything below heavy armor I have to stim. I think it would be perfect if they just numb it back a little or give was an armor buff. That being said, I am so happy to be back.

  20. Awesome updated, and yeah the enemies feel more aggressive and can kill you way more easily, but we can kill them anyway we want now, a lot of diversity in builds to enjoy, Totally amazing update, just a couple of bugs here and there but damn the fun is back on the menu :v

  21. The fact you can kill a charger with one thermite grenade is just so fucking amazing ! Didnt touch the spear once today and was able to use my Machine Gun <3

  22. Arc thrower feels almost too OP now thr way it stun locks everything but titans and factories. The only downside is it teamkills more often. My team mates are s small price to pay for battle superiority.

  23. First time playing in months just due to haven’t had the time and my god it feels like launch day again!! WE ARE BACK AND SPREADING DEMOCRACY DIVERS!!!

  24. Yes the bugs are definitely stronger I’m not going crazy. I thought I was the only one feeling the heat. Definitely more killable which is nice but you gotta be on your toes for sure.

  25. why does nobody ever talk about the cars? two whole leaked vehicles and no word on them for months. i assumed they got put on the backburner in favor of bug fixes but some people seem to think they’ve been scrapped entirely.

    they would save a ton of time going back for dropped samples lol

  26. Just an FYI – the devs mentioned that they balanced out the nerf to headshot damage by increasing all other forms of damage, so that might be why it feels like the damage taken has increased a bit.

  27. Anyone else feel like the bar is so stupidly low for this game now when it comes to updates?

    Seriously, for the most part all this update was, was basically reverting the weapons to how they were at launch with minor differences to launch state. That's literally it, no new content. Hell it's even buggier than the day before the update came out. All they've done is walk back all the crap they did since launch. Sure the game is fun now but I don't think it deserve the praise its been getting. They basically just hit control z. Which for months they were refusing to do.

  28. I get to be a walking nuke and thats all i ever wanted from helldivers. I want big enemies and even bigger explosions.

  29. I feel like the next patch will see Diff10 get adjusted so the more competitive players will still have a place to see that challenge they feel is gone now. And that's absolutely fine.

    Even though I'm alot squishier now, everything else is too, so the moment to moment gameplay is alot more fun and bombastic. Even a fresh-faced lv1 Diver has a fantastic toolkit now!

  30. 3 divers on lvl 6 earlier and all was good till we got 1 nest left and then all of the sudden it was breach after breach after breach, many elites titans included and a literal sea of hunters and spewers. Had an extra 11 respawns before the shitshow and we used them all. I know they have about 25 days left in that 60 day pledge to bring everything in line with where they want it to be, but it honestly felt like they ramped spawns because the community made them buff everything. It was reminscent of the unpopular patrol increase update back in like june or july that they then reverted. This is 100% speculation and maybe it was just a 1 off unwinnable match but nothing takes the wind out of your sails more than just going up against a seemingly impenetrable wall of bugs right at the end. Like if your gonna make me loose (again 100% speculation) can you make me loose earlier on so i dont waste more time than needed. Also this makes it sound like im still not satisfied with game but i am for the most part and yes im bad at the game and havent played for a month so that also had something to do with it im sure but dam that sea of bugs was incredibly annoying.

  31. Yesterday played L10 and while it was much better to kill bugs, it was still quite stressful and challenging, we barely made it out with 1 person out, lost most of our samples, but it felt fair & fun!

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