16 Exciting New Games Coming to Nintendo Switch – September 2024

Everything ‘sept the kitchen sink.

Felix’s Bakeru Review:
Zion’s Plucky Squire Preview:

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  1. It doesn’t make sense why you keep mentioning Steam. This video supposed to be for the Switch. You had me needing to double check if I’m watching the correct video

  2. Ouch. Earth Defence Force World Brothers 2 is already launching on the same day as Zelda, but NBA 2K getting a slot on this video rather than EDFWB2 stings kinda hard.
    I know the first game in the series has it's multiplayer locked to Nintendo systems only making it really annoying to try and find anyone to play with. But despite it's quirky and frankly odd choice to localize the game with characters who swear to artificially bump up the games ESRB rating it's one of the most accessible EDF games on the market. And was designed to be an E for everyone experience.

  3. Astro Bot is here. Nintendo has competition in the fun spacr of gaming. Give us a truly next gen system from Nintendy.

  4. I’ve played the Epic Mickey demo, and I haven’t come across any performance issues there. I was worried about how it would control with a conventional controller scheme, but it does remarkably well.

  5. When comes to ace attorney you’ve got to start with the original trilogy.
    I’ve played them all but none could hold a candle to the first 3 games.

  6. 16 Exciting New Games that Also Have a Demo on Steam – September 2024

  7. I didn't know Plucky was in just a few weeks/pre-EoW. Noice. With any luck I'll have finished Skyword Sword HD. The lack of a WiiMotionPlus is ever present, but so is burning calories or what have you absolutely tossing those joy cons around ⚔. Oh and, unlike with Emio, the demo of Mickey has brought me to purchase decision. to purchase. like irl from GameStop. with probably no pre-order, or one three tiers underneath you guys closer to a happy meal toy. but yeah.

  8. Its bullsh that CVM collection isnt getting the physical release same day.. to hell with double dipping.. ill just wait and sulk.

  9. What a bad month to release Mickey, or Bakeru, or even Plucky Squire, because their selling numbers will be directly affected by the new Zelda game!

  10. This might be the bbest gaming month in quite a while. 2024 started slowly, but late 2024 might rival late 2023.

  11. I will absolutely be buying Plucky Squire, as well as the Rugrats NES games that’s finally coming out! Also UFO 50, which won’t be out on Switch but it should!

  12. "We only have a limited time, so these are just what we think are the best of the best for September. Anyway, here's Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP" 😅

  13. 11:15 I don't know about you, but the game seems way too bright. It feels like it should be… like a completely black screen…

  14. Years ago I decided that I would only own one console at a time (Nintendo’s console usually!) and I would only buy games that had a physical release.

    These artificial limitations on myself keep me from buying too many games (especially when I already have so many I’ve not played yet!)

    So this month, I will not be playing Bakeru, Grapple Dogs, or Plucky Squire even though I’d very much like to! I guess it’s just the system working as intended, but I believe at least two of those will eventually get one!

  15. Worth noting Ace Attorney Investigations also has a demo out but it’s not just on steam, it’s on switch as well!

  16. Good job there’s a ‘t’ on the of that abbreviation otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to figure out which month it was if it had been, like ALL the other months, abbreviated to just three letters.

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