Every video game in my collection part six. Let’s take a look at the last attempt from the grandfather of video games Atari. This is the fabled Atari jaguar and its add on Atari jaguar CD.

#videogames #retrogaming #90s #xbox #atari #playstation #sega


  1. I’ve been playing through the jaguar library and most of those games are just awful. It’s really no wonder it failed. I still laugh at the start up screen every time it boots up because it’s just so bad lol

  2. I just realized is that a Flintstones egg machine in your background? They had one in my neighborhood bowling alley when I was growing up

  3. Never got to play a jaguar, but i wanted to. i did get a chance to play the Neo Geo and 3DO years after they came out because they cost way too much in the 90’s. It seems all of these had claimed specs much higher than they really were.

  4. When are companies and corporations going to learn that if you are not able to sell a lot in comparison to your competition that you have to lower the price doesn't matter how much you want to keep the price hide you have to lower the price to compete.. Jaguar messed up this way.. 3DO messed up this way… Neo Geo messed up this way.. Sega ultimately messed up this way.. so many companies ultimately die off completely clinging onto high price points.. would you rather get a little bit less money for your product or would you rather get no money and go out of business?

  5. ATARI had it goinh for a moment theyre idk why they startd going the route they did its sad even

  6. Atari Jaguar is the only video game system that released in America. I've never laid hands on or seen in action, so yeah it hurts!🕹🐆

  7. Yeah. They really screwed up hard with that one, didn't they? To avoid bankruptcy, they sold all their manufacturing plants in Hong Kong, had to turn to other manufacturers to produce the various custom boards which didn't work so well. A lot of consoles didn't work and have since failed pretty hard. I think I heard once a few years back that only about 1 in 5 on the market actually work or something along those lines.

    Then there was the story of the final game Fight for Life, I think it was? They hired the guy who made Virtual Fighter to make it for them, promised staff, resources and so on and delivered none of that and indeed even stopped paying him altogether ending with him withholding the final version of the game, Atari releasing the game in a mostly broken state. Sort of what happened with E.T. isn't it? One man overworked and underpaid to make an entire game by themself in a tight deadline.

    Plus there was that terrible interview Jack Tramil's son gave.

    I hear that it had the best home port of Aliens vs Predator though so. There is always that.

    Anyone remember the Driver 3 incident with Atari? Bad track record.

  8. That cost at launch was way more than what was stated in this video.they wanted 600 dollars at major retailers in my market in the northeast.

  9. Oh hell yeah! You even got it in the box! I don't think i ever got the chance to play one.. i did see a couple in a store once on vacation though.

  10. I wouldn't say the controller was ugly. I've seen and have used much worse. [Glares at my N64 controller] impractical? Yeah, I'll give you that one. Those keypad buttons were almost useless. They should have just done what Sega did; 6 buttons on the face and a single shoulder button on the right side. The custom overlays were kinda fun, though.

  11. wrong Atari has rturned new Atrai VCS and a new Atari 2600 + with new games being produced to this day

  12. I had the oportunity in 2000 to buy a brand new sealed Atari Jaguar for $20 but didn't do it. I wish I had.

  13. I recognize that laptop in the corner, idk but it looks like a Asus tough gaming F17 might be wrong tho

  14. It wasn't actually 64 bit, it had dual 32 bit processors that some marketing "genius" decided must have equaled 64. Also one processor was named Tom & the other Jerry

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