Helldivers 2 – Official Chemical Agents Premium Warbond Trailer

Warning: toxic hazard. Handle with care. Watch the latest Helldivers 2 trailer to see what to expect with the Chemical Agents Premium Warbond, which brings gaseous weapons, lung-friendly armor, capes, patterns, Super Credits, and more.

#Helldivers2 #Helldivers #Gaming


  1. Day 1

    Devs : we have nerfed all chemical warfare weapons day 1 cause we feel like balancing in the game needs to be fair for the bugs

  2. Why in GODS EARTH would you need a stim pistol? Friendly fire? They already have a stim boost ability that increases its duration as well as speed even if you're in heavy armor! Oh no are they gonna Nerf that one now?

  3. No wonder the game died so fast, this is the best the devs could think of, what a joke

  4. They should make a dual wielding dagger guard dog haha one that throws daggers. That way it would be a cool stealth option

  5. A chemical weapon?? Let’s goo. Ever heard of Immersive Translate?? It is a tool with expertly crafted prompts for the gaming industry, that ensures that translations are accurate and resonate with gamers.

  6. anonther money sucking warbond but still we got no urban map nor vehicles


  8. Agent orange (the song by Cage) is GOAT. Should have had that track on this trailer would have been amazing.

  9. This is why we don't have free Healthcare on Super Earth… and we shouldn't. FOR MANAGED DEMOCRACY!!

  10. Remember folks, it’s not a crime against humanity if you don’t do it to a human

  11. Oh, the first addon for Spacemarine 2 and they have already added scions. Cool

  12. Whoooooo, I'm going for the record for longest heal shot! Imagine your getting chased to the Pelican and bro is healing you from afar

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