Assassin’s Creed Shadows: World Trailer

Available November 15, 2024:

Put your headphones on and immerse yourself in the captivating and ever-changing world of Feudal Japan. This vast open world is full of unexpected discoveries and wonders at a time when beauty, serenity, and tradition clash with treachery, violence, and war.

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#Ubisoft #AssassinsCreed

About Assassin’s Creed Shadows:
In Assassin’s Creed Shadows, you will live the intertwined stories of Naoe, an adept shinobi Assassin from Iga Province, and Yasuke, the powerful African samurai of historical legend….


  1. Can't wait to see this company go bankrupt and leave the gaming space. oor hell atleast do a rehire and bring it back to 2010 since your stocks are bascially reflecting that

  2. Instead of buying bots for positive comments, you could have just made a good game for once so real people would leave positive comments.

  3. Bro even the bots like and comment on this video i like the trailer but when they change the history about Japanese culture and change the history about japan bruh you guys fk up

  4. Why use bots? Does the game suck that badly? And why isn't this channel banned for violating YouTubes Rules and guidelines?

  5. 😂😂😂😂😂😂вы серьёзно? Никогда это г не куплю! Вы следите за продукцией вообще?

  6. 印象的に登場する笛は中国のものだし、日本の城には屋根に窓など存在しない。

  7. As always, great respect to the artists and designers of Ubisoft. It's only thanks to them that I like it.

  8. Юбики набрали идеологически верных, но абсолютно не компетентных сотрудников.
    Или это такой троллинг азиатов ?

  9. 忍者に注目が集まってるので是非日本の会社に忍者ゲームを作って欲しい。

  10. What a great game insulted few cultures at the same time: You guys put a Chinese bgm on a game under Japanese background with an African character from nobody to be a fictional heroic Samurai. And you hired bots from India or somewhere but now you deleted all of them. Congrats!😂

  11. Leave politics out of video games,Wukong is setting the new standards for the gaming community

  12. .尊重少数服从多数而不是让少数绑架多数. 浅显的道理不明白? 像日本村战,勾心斗角这种刺客题材虽然略显老套. 但是风景素材都很美. 值得探索和游玩. 但是这个主角人物就有点抽象了. .

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