The truth about all the 7/10 game reviews.

another jacob edit, woo jacob!

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NOTE: I am a long-term contract/freelance writer with Sony Santa Monica Studio, but not a sony employee.


  1. so freaking informative, what a great some fucking guy this guy

  2. Random f**king guy here. I appreciate your dedication to make the world a better place by placing the toilet paper correctly!

  3. It's always crazy to me that people still care about review scores in a serious way. We've been doing this for decades

  4. IGNโ€™s scale is stupid. 1 is awful. 5 is average. 10 is perfect. The highest anything should be scored is 9/10, if they rate it 10/10 that means they donโ€™t know perfection doesnโ€™t exist and you can disregard their review.

  5. Thank you for being a normal, reasonable person on this platform. I'm so tired of these gaming YouTubers that just pander to the current popular sentiment just for views. Let me guess, another video about how modern gaming sucks, gaming companies suck, everything's too expensive, this is the worst generation, retro was more fun, blah, blah, blah. It's just so forced, repetitive, mindless, obvious, and boring. I, for one, appreciate your level-headed, realistic takes.

  6. Like most things in life, they are average. Therefore, most scores are average ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ

  7. Holy cow, I completely forgot about Gungan Frontier until I watched this. Now I have to try & find it. Well played, Jacob.

  8. If i see a review of a game i want to play i usually look up who reviewd it and if i dont know them, try to see if i can find a couple of games i played they reviewd and if our opinions are about the same on those. This gives me a better idea if the review could be usefull to me could be for me. But this is mainly to find hidden gems. Usually if i want to play something i buy it. And when i have doubt i read reviews.

  9. WHO is saying that they are being paid off ?!?! conversation is about ACCESS media and incompetent writers

  10. But isn't it surprising, that all the random fucking guys have all more or less the same opinion about things in video games what is good and what bad? Ofc in an opinion based job, your own believes matter and therefore you see clearly what worldview is predominent in these game/movie/entertainment articles and which not. And there are NOT only an opinion of that reviewed game, they are preachy af, they want to be.

  11. I think a two scale system could work. A general game score and a genre score. For example Ark is a 7/10 game but a 9/10 survival game

  12. Alanah Pearce is a 9.4/10
    From some fuckin guy's opinion that arbitrarily changed every few minutes of this video.

  13. To be honest we should just use full scale and grade games based on how good they are in the genre/among similar games. Like you get AAA open world games and can straight up give them 3/10 if they are bugged, boring, have terrible writing etc. If you need to rate indie cheap games, some of them will be 8/10 in that sphere. Giving games like star wars outlaw 7/10 is just bad, and it gives the 'paid for vibes'. And as for why wouldn't they pay for higher score – noone would believe if it got 8/10, that would be far too obvious.

  14. 7/10 is great and all but is not as great as Bret Hart 4/10

  15. Case in point. Everyone gave "Watch Dogs" seven or eight. I loved "Watch Dogs" one. I thought it was an amazing game. Had so much fun playing it. So all the haters can go do whatever. It's just an opinion.

  16. I hate that 10 score ratings became 5 score. Anything below 7 is considered utter trash, and 9 is considered pretty good. At some points, it's 2 score ratings; you either like it and it's 10/10 or hate it and it's 1/10.

    Here's what a proper rating system looks like:

    10 – A literal masterpiece
    9 – Phenomenal
    8 – Brilliant
    7 – Good
    6 – Pretty good
    5 – ok. Not good, not bad.
    4 – meh
    3 – bad
    2- don't bother
    1 – Complete and utter trash. Probably a scam

  17. I'm also just some fkn guy. And proud of it.
    Also maybe I'm the crazy one but I haven't watched a single alanah video and thought "wow so controversial, me angry"

    Shout out jacob

  18. You Alanah, are a 7/7 ๐Ÿ˜‰

    To the scales on Diablo IV compared to the games you played in your video… Solid points, Diablo IV is definitely more complex, definitely looks way beyond better than what those other games could ever dream of and plays incomparably better, bugs aside… it's definitely on the upper-upper half of the scale, absolutely NO question… but the SECOND that you realize Diablo IV DEFINITELY has nefarious intent, blow a hole through the floor of that scale and make room for negatives… we must amputate that sector of the industry before it spreads… giving it a 2 user score was more than generous.. I am a lifelong Blizzard fan, since Silicone and Synapse Lost Vikings… I tolerated Immortal, I tolerated Overwatch 2, I tolerated Arclight Rumble… Diablo IV has made me despise ABK, Microsoft Gaming and Xbox in one swoop… if that doesn't make a game deserve a 0 or less, I don't know what does… that is all, thank you.

    Here's an analogy, using my first comment like poetry, Alanah is a 7/7 , she dates a man and turns that man gay, is she still a 7/7 ? This is just an analogy lets not get political..

  19. Spot on video!
    Though I'll never understand people who compare reviews. Just find reviewers that have a similar taste to you and be happy with "personally" tailored game recommendations.

  20. It's a bit if an archaic system. They're good at a quick glance, so if most sites are giving a game a 4 for example then you can safely assume the game's fucked but other than that it doesn't really serve any function. Not least because can't seem to comprehend opinions. I think the way Gameranx and so on do it best. Most YouTubers really just go through the game (without spoiling it IGN) whereas the big jounro sites do technically do that but people just hyperfocus on the number at the end. Just need to do away with the numbers in my opinion

  21. I go to YouTube and Twitch for opinions.
    An outlet should have standards…

  22. In grad school, my professor thought that 5 is the baseline average. As in, if you met all the rubric requirements, you got a 50. Out of 100. And yes, passing is still 70.

    So, yall wanting IGN reviews to be like her lol?

  23. Great, really enjoyed your video, it made me smile quite a bit. 8/10.
    And of course it goes over the top, if I find it went under at work I turn it round.

  24. This explanation makes the scale more useless. Itโ€™s actually solvable: Put points into categories – and explain the point levels. E.g. Music category: 0; no music – or just random blips, 1; one or a couple of functional tunes, 2; adds positively to the atmosphere, 3; wraps the game together – something of a masterpiece.
    Now make points with descriptions for the rest and sum up in the end (potentially present as percentage points (potentially divided by 10)). Done!

  25. Access Journalism is the reason why every game is a 7/10. Bad Score = no review copies + no leaks + no exclusive sources + no access to events. Some games are "safe" to give a low score, but most AAA are unironically too powerful, the risk of giving a low score is too high and not worth it.

  26. So they use top half of the scale despite they won't review games most of the time on the lower half of the scale?
    imo this is silly. Just make 2 scales – for "triple A" and indies. I don't think indies should be judged on the same scale anyway.
    And make scales 5 based.

  27. Those games basically do not exist to me. I used to enjoy browsing new releases. Now it's full of garbage.

  28. As one of those fuckin guys, i can confidently confirm: yea.

    Okey, to add a bit a more to this: we are just some fucking guys who wants to talk about the shit we like. The goal is to bash or gush about the experiences we had, and give you an entertaining write up about some stuff. That's literally it.

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