1. you can beat terraria blind without any googling, yeah it would probably be harder than if you did google stuff, but its still possible since the game gives you the guide and most things can be discovered by just exploring the world all the time.

    but that dude must HATE minecraft, theres literally nothing in the game that even hints at doing anything after you reach the nether. no hints to hunt blazes, no hints to make eyes, nothing that even remotely hints at the existence of the end fortress. and even if you do make it to the fortress theres a chance that the portal room doesnt spawn or is bugged or has no eyes so it leaves the player guessing how to beat the game.

  2. The guy who gave Terraria a 0/10 while praising it might be a genius, since it makes it so that when people look for bad reviews they will find a good one instead!

  3. 8 year old me didnt have to look up a thing to beat terraria so skill issue

  4. The first one is valid
    The game doesn't have an understandable progression curve. At all.

    Most items are hidden beneath layers of RNG, and there's no way of finding it out on your own without any prior knowledge.

    Material and station progression is also really confusing cause, aside from the real worls stuff, there's no telling what should be better or not unless you get it and test it, and by the time you can do so you probably already has a better replacement already.

    The class system is also pretty weird cause the game doesn't lock you yo one class, but also doesn't benefit from having it open and interchangeable. In most cases you need to heavily invest in one class, making any other combat option near useless.

    All in all, terraria is a wiki game, and those tend to not be fun cause you'll either spend most of your time lost on what to do, or have your playthrough spoiled. Like how do you even begin to fathom that the last boss from normal mode is summoned by heading to hell and throwing a voodoo doll of the guy who's been with you the whole time in molten lava?

  5. Tbf you shouldnt GAVE to look ag external sources to learn a game especially for the mjaority of the game's content. Its even worse if you habe bad memory since youd constantly need to find external help several times before you get it.

  6. I saw a very similar review on minecraft pe, it was all positive stuff and then you look up to see half star
    Also poor carl

  7. I agree with the last guy 😂 no but for real I think it's a whole lot more than minecraft ( not my favorite game ever though )

  8. "Too lazy to learn how to play"
    Bro are you for real?
    I have nothing against terraria i think it's a great game but lets be fair here, the game should be the one teaching the player how to play not youtube or wikipedia, if someone didn't like the game because it didn't teach them anything i think that's completely fair in my opinion, not everyone have the patience to search, and not everyone are capble of searching in the first place because english is not a world wide spoken language.

    But yes i don't think any of that justifies the 0 rating.

  9. Not going to lie I think the biggest and most valid issues with terraria is its learning curve. I don’t know about others but I can’t think of any game where I had to look stuff up as much as this game. I can’t even remember when I started playing so I don’t know hard hard this is, but I can’t imagine trying to even figure out class setups without looking it up. I’ve been trying to get my friends into it and a lot of the time people just can’t put up with the lack of direction.

    That being said, I have over 1000 hours now and it’s easily a top 5 game.

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