Sonic’s CONFLICTING Nintendo Switch Ports

Ever since the Nintendo Switch launched in 2017, the Sonic games released for the console have been inconsistent. So, let’s look through the good and bad Sonic Nintendo Switch ports!

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Switch Friend Code: SW-1394-4522-8810
PSN: SonicFazbear067
Xbox Live: CousinsSF

Music Used:
“Metallic Madness Act 1” from Sonic Mania
“Justice – Park Avenue” from Sonic Forces
“Menu” from Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
“Aquarium Park Act 1” from Sonic Colors
“Sonic World” from Sonic Jam
“Cyber Space 1-7” from Sonic Frontiers
“Lagoon City Act 2” from Sonic Superstars

#sonic #sonicfrontiers #nintendo #nintendoswitch #sonicxshadowgenerations #sonic2024


  1. Sonic Forces: 30 fps sucks
    Sonic Team Racing: 30 fps is horrible
    Sonic Colors: 30 fps is not good
    Sonic Frontier: I hate 30 fps
    Sonic Superstars: the game runs at 60 fps, but, nah, I think 30 fps would be fine here

    I wasn't expecting that.

  2. the downgrade on sonic superstars looks a lot like crash n sane trilogy, they've cut off some things that you don't even notice when you play and at the same time added some charm because of it

  3. "Frontiers on Switch looks like a PS2 tech demo". Lol, hyperbole much? I played it fully on Switch with no issues.

  4. To be fair putting silver into a pile of dung can only go so far. The switch is a super weak system. I'll always say if you want to buy a switch make sure you have enough money for a PS4 Slim/Pro or even a PS5 too. Switch for nintendo games and PS4/PS5 for everything else.

  5. One of the reasons its gonna be a miracle for the next nintendo console to actually not be a potato is this entire video.

  6. The fps is mostly dependent on if the game was designed for lower frame rates. It's why a game like Starfox runs at like 12 fps but is still playable. So if they tune the games to run at lower frame rates then it'd be ok

  7. honestly, even tho frontiers isn't "good" graphically it's a miracle it runs at all with the graphics it has given its struggle on better platforms.
    i think if they pulled a borderlands 3 and stylized the graphics in the port more it could have looked more passable in comparison to its better ports.

  8. I don't see an issue with a racing game being locked to 30fps. I might be bias, but I play Sega rally Championship on my Saturn quite often. That game is locked to 30fps and I don't have any issue whatsoever. To be fair, Team Sonic Racing does move substantially quicker xD.

  9. Sonic Superstars being "one of the good Switch ports" it's probably the worst thing you said in the entire video lel
    I completed that game 100% on Switch, the first levels look decent, but the more you play, the worse it looks, seriously, the textures are extremely blurry and it's really common to encounter glitches or performance issues. It ends up looking like Mighty No.9

  10. I remeber buying frontiers on switch, my main console, and thinking the graphics looked good. Until I saw the ps5 and Xbox versions.

  11. weren't the glitches in the Switch version of Colors Ultimate made with modifications via emulators?
    Frontiers also had similar glitches on Yuzu on the days close to release (Specially for people playing the leaked rom before release)

  12. Why is the frame rate SO important? Like, after 40 fps, the changes are barely noticeable. I get it for shooters but this is Sonic on the switch the switch is literally designed for casual and family gaming

  13. I feel like portability doesn't matter anymore when something like the steam deck can play more than half of these games at 60FPS

  14. I don’t see the big deal with frame rates I can barely tell the difference between 30 and 60fps

  15. I sometimes don't play games for quality. Playing the game at all is what matters. I own a lot of Sonic games on Switch, and I don't care how bad it looks.

  16. The fact frontiers graphics on switch weren’t great compared to other consoles this just scares me on how the switch port of sonic x shadow generations is gonna look.

  17. Here’s my take as someone who’s a Sonic fan that only owns a Switch: Honestly, it doesn’t really bother me that much. Yes, part of it is because I don’t have anything to compare it to, but that’s beside the point. At a certain point, it becomes a question of “Do I wanna play it or not,” and obviously the answer is yes.

    Before you ask (and go ahead and make fun of me, I don’t care), I have a Mac as my main computer.

  18. I can agree that the Switch hinders the performance in some games, but you make it sound as though the games were broken and barely playable.

  19. I think Colors really disappointed me with that port that I have a hard time playing it, and I honestly didn't mind Frontiers visuals, the pop-in is bad sure, but I thought everything was aright. But I do have my concerns for Generations. I'm so tempted, but Colors really threw me off.

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