Ruffy and the Riverside – Official Release Window Trailer | gamescom 2024

Get a fresh look at Ruffy and the Riverside, including the colorful world you’ll explore, gameplay, and more from this upcoming action-adventure game. Ruffy and the Riverside will be available on Q1 2025 on PC, PS5 (PlayStation 5), Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch.

You are Ruffy and you got the magic SWAP! With the SWAP you can copy and paste textures to change the game world, solve puzzles, beat enemies and make your way. Scan lava and throw it onto a river to transform it into a hot stream of lava that burns away wooden obstacles. Or simply copy a climbing vine, throw it onto a waterfall and climb it up. With the SWAP you are unstoppable. The SWAP feels magic each time and makes your imagination become reality!


  1. The design of the character made me think this game would be like Tomba. Still seems right up my alley.

  2. Came here to comment something about one piece, stayed for the crazy soundtrack.

  3. this is awesome, especially for someone like me who grew up playing platformers! very cool & unique-looking!

  4. Perfect example of a game that looks cool but has the type of character that gets annoying after 10 mins

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