The Best Graphics On Nintendo Switch: The First Party Exclusives Selection

As we begin to approach the tail-end of the Nintendo Switch era, Oliver Mackenzie and John Linneman get together for a DF Direct special to discuss their personal selection of the most technically impressive games of the generation – absolute marvels bearing in mind that the core hardware is based on a 2015 Nvidia mobile chipset. In this first video, the emphasis is on first party exclusives published by Nintendo – but there’s plenty to come from third parties too in a later video. There are some amazing games here, and a surprise contender at the top slot.

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  1. When they talked about how some independent studios improve their work when they work with Nintendo, first game that came to my mind was Eternal Darkness. Silicon Knights really delivered a master piece along with MGS The Twin Snakes, but after that, they just couldn't do anything decent (remember Too Human?) and now they're nowhere to be found. Nintendo could benefit a lot if they just buy out Mercury Steam.

  2. I must say I am extremely surprised Astral Chain didn't make it to the list but maybe it is considered a 3rd party title ?

  3. Lack of Astral Chain and Monster Hunter Rise are both very strange omissions imo

  4. Waiting on Shin’en to release Iridion 3!! Glad to see Fast rmx on the list, love their games since Gameboy

  5. I’ve played Metroid Prime multiple times, I love that game. I’m trying to play new games but it looks like I’m going to have to play it again on the Switch after seeing this 😂

  6. God bless you Nice Water WiiU Miiverse Guy, wherever you are now. Pour out of glass of excellently rendered water for a real one.

  7. cant wait for the next big zelda, mario, and luigi’s mansion

  8. I very much disagree with Xenoblade Chronicles X, that was the last time a Xeno game authentic in its art style. Also XCX was the last Xeno game that had a tangible quality to its art style – both XC2 and 3 are oversaturated resulting in that intangible quality.

  9. I got a soft spot for developers that really put the effort in the character’s idle and afk animations. Adds so much extra personality to a game

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