17 New Stealth Games of 2024 And Beyond That Will Push YOUR SKILLS TO THE LIMIT

The stealth genre has spawned some iconic series’ – Metal Gear Solid, Splinter Cell, to name just three – but what’s evident with games that incorporate stealth mechanics into their gameplay is just how varied these experiences can be.

There’s a subtle art in evading enemies, sneaking past, or eliminating from the cloak of darkness – perhaps explaining stealth as an enduring mechanic in video games since the early days of the medium.

This video highlights 17 such games that focus primarily on stealth in its gameplay, or at least feature it in some capacity alongside its combat mechanics. Expect tales of espionage, tense cat-and-mouse standoffs, cutting edge gadgets, shuffling horror, and heaps of shadows. Plus, there seems to be an onslaught of dinosaur related stealth games on the horizon too.


  1. Stealth games are unfortunately a thing of the past, since all games have to be super cinematic these days, and also appeal to all types of players. In other words, people who don't like stealth games. I've played the latest Splinter Cell (don't remember the name), and it was more like a platform game and no room for creativity at all.

  2. Hackles. The expression is "get your hackles up." What you do with your shackles should probably stay private.

  3. I though this video was about STEALTH games… and not about survival, horror or shooters… 🤔

  4. New Berlin 2087….hmmmm….i get 2000 Deus Ex vibes. My vision is augmented, i wear a trenchcoat and firing a Glock or so, armored guards that look like Majestic 12 commandos, i can cloak etc..If it's in 3rd person it might be a good one actually.

  5. Deathground looks like a ripoff of Alien Isolation. The hiding in lockers, the movement detector….
    The Lost Wild & Ferocious…more of the same. Did i mention that first person stealth sucks ? Old favorites of mine are Deus Ex and Thief but back then, everything was first person. Stealth is at best when in 3rd person.

  6. Gamingbolt always has negative comments from users lol. Most of these titles look sick and hopefully they all make it to consoles sooner rather than later.

  7. I would like to see remakes of Stolen (2005) and Velvet Assassin (2008) : real stealth games for sure.

  8. I’m sure there’s probably better stealth games but tlou2 is on top for me. It’s so intense crawling through the tall grass, sniping enemies with the bow and all the environments feel so full and realistic.

  9. We could have Last of Us 3 and Resident Evil 8 and 9 by now instead of all these remakes and remasters ……🤢

  10. I wish they would have made last of us 3 instead of the remake of 1 and a remaster of 2. I loved the remake of one but h think most would prefer a next in a series.

  11. Splinter Cell remake will probably be cancelled after 3-4 years with an announcement.

  12. Missing Ereban: Shadow Legacy, which just had a demo featured in the Steam NextFest, and is supposed to be out later this year.

    Of the stuff on the list, most curious to see more of Steel Seed.

  13. Sneak around in Death Stranding lmao….maybe the first hour …after you get the boa gun you can choke them out from distance….you just got to run up and boot them …nevermind Norman Reedus might as well be Muhammad Ali in a fist fight….combat is relatively non existent besides throwing grenades

  14. Was excited for Splinter Cell until i heard it was "remade for a modern audience".

  15. Cheers, stealth is one of my favourite genres, the wishlist has been commanded.

  16. Im excited for
    little nightmares 3
    tom clancy's splinter cell remake
    metal gear solid delta snake eater

  17. Well where is ghost of tsushima 2 , ac red? And why 4 studio’s come up with dino games all at once?? 😂, a solid list, mgs by far my number 1 there

  18. IGI Origins was cancelled and Un record has no release date so to put it in a video for "games coming 2024" is just false and pure speculation. Expect nothing different from you though.

  19. Project IGI remake is not happening anymore. The developer, Antimatter Games, is defunct. You guys should update your video.

  20. Exek*IIer looks interesting, Unrecord might give me motion sickness but looks interesting too. Steel Seed could be good, IGI could be good,

  21. insted of remastering the last of us naughty dog could have remake jak and daxter the precursor legacy

  22. I'm 40 and am a single Christian man, 6"2, bald but ok looking still, well travelled, level headed, sociable. Despite all this, it's been more than 8 years since I was properly with someone and that only lasted a few months. Time before that I was the victim of gaslighting and quite an abusive relationship going back 12 years now.

    For several years now I've gone on dates and it goes nowhere because I'm generally not meeting women I find physically attractive because the ones I see on these apps aren't into me. I sometimes match with them but then no response. I guess as an attractive woman, they will always have so much more choice and get snapped up quick.

    What's more, I am still a virgin technically speaking, despite having had multiple opportunities over the years with the few relationships I've had and then one off flings and "one night stands" which I really regret even going that far because it was wrong. But never had full intercourse. I wanted to save myself for marriage and do what's right before God but I guess the wife and the marriage never happened. I hope it's not too late but it's certainly getting to a point where I'm worried whether anything will change.

    I understand that confidence and being content on your own is key, however I can't seem to shake off the feeling of failure and being unable to find and attract a woman that I want. Being on my own for so long, I can't see how it can be beneficial for anyone to be this way for this long and not have companionship. I don't mind being on my own, as I said I've travelled a ton, I've been to almost 70 countries now and the vast majority of that on my own.

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